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Twisted Nut | Berlin's Nut Butter Makers

<tc>1kg Bag of Hazelnuts</tc>

<tc>1kg Bag of Hazelnuts</tc>

Regular price €29,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €29,99 EUR
Unit price €29,99  per  kg
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

250g Lightly roasted Italian Hazelnuts from the northern region of Piedmont.For three generations the Fontana family of Cravanzana, a small town located in the hills of the Alta Langa, have worked the earth beneath them, cultivating the most superior nut on this planet; The Hazelnut. 

Ingrediants: Whole roasted Hazelnuts 

Variety: Piedmont IGP delle Langhe

Contains traces of peanuts 

A plastic yet still sustainable. How does this work?

Our chosen material is Made for Recycling approved by environmental and recycling service provider Interseroh+! This means: the packaging is 100% recyclable and not only protects the goods that are within, but also our environment! This eco friendly mono-plastic is step forward for consumer packaging.
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What Makes Twisted Nut Special? 

What makes Twisted Nut special is our drive to bring something unique to the market. Too often I see the same just wrapped differently. I wanted something more than that. Hence the brand name “Twisted Nut” simply meaning to bring a “twist” to peanut butter.

I was the first in the world to place nuts in the oven for longer to create my signature Dark Roast Peanut Butter and bring it to market in 2015, New Zealand before relaunching the brand here in Berlin at the end of 2018.

I will continue to do my best to bring you the best, one jar at a time. Join us on our journey. 

<tc>Who are we?</tc>

Our little slice of peanut heaven begins with us, Corby & Isabell. We met in New Zealand where I (Corby) first started Twisted Nut back in 2015. Over time Isabell decided to move back to her home in Berlin.

At the end of 2018 I moved to Berlin for Isabell to start a new adventure and thought to bring Twisted Nut with me. From our beginning here in Berlin we have been mixing, milling and filling every jar by hand into the brand that you see today. 

Who's doing what?

  • <tc>What does Corby do within Twisted Nut?</tc>

    "I start my days of the week early in the morning with a slice of peanut butter on toast in the hand and drive to our production kitchen. Once there, I roast, mill and fill our nut butters. We deliver once a week ourselves to all our Berlin delicatessens and hotels. At the end of the week I'm sitting at the computer and doing my best to push Twisted Nut forward and develop the next idea!"


  • <tc>What does Isaebell do within Twisted Nut?</tc>

    "Isabell has my back and has done since the beginning. Without her Twisted Nut may not be here running like smooooth peanut butter.. Isabell is in charge of administration and sits in front of the computer making sure all of the paper work is in check. She manages communications for Twisted Nut and is always pushing for the next store or baker to showcase the brand and our handmade goods."

<tc>From the farm to your table - This is how we do it!</tc>

  • 1. Sourcing

  • 2. Roasting

  • 3. Cooling

  • 4. Milling

  • 5. Mixing

  • 6. Labeling & Packing

  • 7. Out the door

  • 8. On your table

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Johanna Härmä

1kg Bag of Hazelnuts

Esther Buck
Die besten Nüsse die ich kenne

Wir sind wahre Nussliebhaber und hier bei Twisted Nut sind die Nüsse Spitzenklasse. Öffnest Du die Tüte Haselnüsse riecht es so sehr nach Haselnusscreme bzw. schokoladig, dass ich zum Schnüffler werden könnte. Aber auch die anderen Produkte sind sooooo lecker. Und geht einmal etwas schief bei der Lieferung hat Twisted Nut einen klasse Kundenservice. Das ist mein Nussdealer. Weiter so. Freue mich schon auf die nächste Lieferung.

Celina M.

Wieder ausgezeichnete Nüsse aber irgendwie wäre es cool wenn die ganz abgerubbelt wären dann hat man nicht so viel Schmutz.

Peer C.

Super Geschmack - ich bin begeistert!

Celina M.

Also ganz rund heraus: das sind richtig geile Nüsse!